Diversification is key. Start small, scale up, and never plan with money you can't afford to lose. Learn about market psychology, read reliable media, and stay cautious about online sources like YouTube or Twitter.
Analyse other music, tracks
Collecting ideas
Composing & Arrangement
Editing, Mixing & Mastering
Distribution & Promotion & Marketing
- What is creativity? How do compose and develop new ideas?
- Why analyse during creation? To learn and adapt! Scaler & Chordify. Some time you are stuck and these tools can have an inspirating effect on your creativity
- To collect ideas you visit concerts, museums and read but if these don’t help. Amper uses moods & style to generate music also for videos.
- Write complete songs with template-based AI-Tools like Voicemod, GravityWrite, SongR, Suno. The problem is the template can sound synthetic and making songs with these tools will make songs sound the same.
- Is there a better tool than ChatGPT for writing lyrics. I used to to generate lyrics for Kiswahili!
- With tools like Orb-Producer one can generate complex melodies and tunes that can be inspiring and an impulse for creativity
- AI can complement process by filling in gaps where you have no experience, chord substitution and variance, mastering and editing so that you concentrate on composing