Diversification is key. Start small, scale up, and never plan with money you can't afford to lose. Learn about market psychology, read reliable media, and stay cautious about online sources like YouTube or Twitter.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket—balance your risk.
Prepare for different economic environments.
Use AI for screening, summarizing, and predictive analysis, but don’t rely solely on it.
Investment Strategies
When choosing stocks, focus on these strategies:
- Value Investing: Look for companies with a high Profit/Earnings ratio (>10%).
- Growth Investing: Buy stocks hitting a 52-week high or those trading above their 50-day and 200-day averages.
- Income Investing: Select companies that pay regular dividends.
Portfolio Management
Maintain and balance your portfolio by:
- Rebalancing your portfolio regularly.
- Shifting to less risky assets as your investments grow.
- Taking profits strategically (e.g., when stocks rise dramatically).
Common Mistakes to Avoid
- Don’t buy stocks hitting 52-week lows.
- Avoid penny stocks—they’re volatile and risky.
- Don’t trade on margin or follow others' trading ideas blindly.
Wisdom for Investors
- Market reaction is often more important than the news itself.
- Patience is critical—wait for the right opportunities.
- Stick to a few stocks and get to know their trading patterns.
- Cut losses quickly—don’t average down on losing positions.
- Pay attention to seasonal trends (e.g., September is often a weak month).
Getting Started
- Open an online brokerage account (e.g., Interactive Brokers, eToro).
- Set up your funding account.
- Evaluate your investment strategy: value, growth, or income-based.
- Choose assets based on risk tolerance: Cash → Bonds → Stocks → Real Estate → Commodities.
- Remember, stocks are for long-term investments.
For more details, watch this YouTube video.